Saturday, April 23, 2011

Harry Potter Cabinets Completed

Okay, I promised to keep you up to date with my Harry Potter Cabinets.  So, here are the pictures of the finished minis.  Well, late last night I finally arranged each cabinet and glued the items on the shelves.  Tara is posting them in her shop, however, they will be marked "Reserved" for the time being as she has someone that is interested in them.  We are pretty sure that this person may not buy all of them, so keep an eye out at Tara's Store for a chance to get one if you are interested.  Everything was hand made except the cabinets and the bottles.  This was a very interesting venture for me and I really enjoyed coming up with idea's that were a little different than Tara's cabinet.  My next project will be the Tea Cart and I already have a few items made for it.  However, I will not start that project until next week as I have some paperwork that needs to be completed and tomorrow is Easter Sunday.  But, I will post pictures of the Tea cart as I go along.

Wishing all of you a very Happy Easter,
Sherry XOXO :-)

1 comment:

  1. Whoa these are so great! You outdid yourself on these little beauties :) Your buyers will be thrilled!
